Patient Service Announcement (King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust) – Sexual Health and Contraception Clinic (3rd April 2023)

Posted by: Stock Hill Medical Centre - Posted on:


From 3rd April 2023, King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust will be the provider for the new Integrated Sexual & Reproductive Health Service at Beckenham Beacon.

King’s already operates the Sexual Health Service (Genito-Urinary Medicine Clinic) whilst Bromley Healthcare runs the Contraception Clinic.

The integration will mean that from April 2023, all sexual health services and contraceptive services will merge into one clinic, providing a ‘one stop shop’ for both sexual health and contraception. This new integrated service will be operated exclusively by King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.

For all existing patients of Bromley Health Care (BHC), your care will remain unchanged by this transition from BHC to King’s.

As part of these changes King’s will also be delivering walk-in services from Orpington Health and Wellbeing Centre and Mottingham Clinic. These will resume in Orpington on Monday 24 April 2023 and Mottingham on Wednesday 26 April 2023.

If you have any questions regarding the new service and what it means for your care, you may contact the King’s Administration Service by email on: